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Jaxxon's Twi'leks Ch 2 Nerf Steaks

Jaxxon's Twi'leks
by: helgaleena
setting: post TPM
pairings: Quin-Jaxxon, Quin-other, Jaxxon-other
warnings: slash, interspecies slash, interspecies het
rated: R
disclaimer: Lucas owns everything (if he still wants it!), I am nothing

Nerf Steaks

Lunch went pretty smoothly. The food was locally grown, which was always a plus, and Jaxxon knew some of the waitstaff. A few were Twi'lek females, too, which meant they could start scouting even here for their "independent contractors." Jaxxon also knew the wine steward, a relatively young Twi'lek male, bright red, who made the Lepi's Kiffar acquaintance the target of many arch looks. It seemed that not only females on Tatooine were in the freelance pleasure trade.

Jaxxon was nothing if not observant. "Hey, Kim, I think Jonar likes you. He's not that old, and you know about Twi'lek males--they're tight." He licked his muzzle a little morosely. "Too tight for this Lepi, but hey---"

"I am not recruiting any males-- partner." For some reason Quinlan was annoyed, though he shouldn't be. He knew enough about Lepi to know that the vast majority of conversations with Jaxxon were going to be on this subject, or ones related to it.

"Too tight for you means too tight for your target market," he ameliorated, with a scowl. Jaxxon would have to get used to his taciturn manner of expression, too.

"Who's talking recruitment? I thought-- I mean I got the impression you swing that way."

"Well, then, let's get this all out onto the table now." Quin pushed away the plate of nerf bones and wiped his mouth. "I know that palm-pressing we did told you things. And it told you that I've got some of the same talent-- not enough to have to run around in gauntlets all the time, like you. What else did you-- get the impression of?"

Jaxxon was carefully cleaning each of his big green digits with the napkin. His large eyes darted around the room before he gave his carefully casual response.

"You're a Jedi."

"Yeah. What about it?"

"You're a spy or something; Kim's not your real name. You want to get in with the Hutts and their partners on Ryloth."

"Go on."

"You've got a boss, and a flunky or something, on this project, and you weren't going to tell me all this, so you shielded fast against me. Which I totally understand, by the way."

Quin sighed. "And do you mind what I'm after, which I may as well tell you is to get dirt on glitteryll? This may be your last chance to back out of the deal we made." His dark eyes bored into the young Lepi.

"Hey no, man; glitteryll's bad news. Spice I understand, it's like controllable. But glitteryll's a weapon, a dirty trick, and I'm all for stopping it. But you know Black Sun's probably involved, which creeps out anybody with common sense.

"You see Meena over there? the yellow waitress? Somebody slipped her glitteryll, and she wound up at Jabba's without any idea who she was, or how she got there.
We just named her Meena, man, and helped her save up to get free. And she's not the only one, believe me."

"Oh, I do. So, Meena took to pleasure slaving so poorly that it attracted the sympathies of you, and others? Is she one of those you were thinking of, for our venture?"

"Naw, you forget my insights into people. She put up a good act, but she needed to choose for herself more than anything. I doubt she'd choose to go along with our game.

"I was just using her as an example of why I just say no to glitteryll, man." Jaxxon pushed his chair back, with his ears arched backward below his head, a sign, Quin was getting to realize, that he was relaxed. "So is there any thing else I need to know?" the Lepi asked, pulling on the huge gauntlets of a long haul spacer, that he wore everywhere. They rose from the table.

"Yes. A very important thing. My padawan is going to be with us; she's on her way here now." Jaxxon suddenly found himself chest to chest with a ferocious-looking Kiffar. Kim was glaring up at him, probably right up his nose.

"She's Twi'lek. She's under-age. She is my ward. Do--not--touch." Quin's index finger snaked up to impale the young Lepi, barely out of his teens himself, at the base of the throat. The flood of information started again between them at the contact. Neither of them shielded this time.

It was that important to him. Quinlan Vos, not Kim. Jaxxon saw him saving the little blue girl's life, bringing her to the creche while he was still a padawan himself. Yeah, that was deep. And of course he got a whole history of what being master and padawan meant to a Jedi. It was so-- clean. Really pure love. He was in awe. Lepi usually didn't think like this.

"Wow," he said, with as much eloquence as he could summon at the moment. He envied Jedi now. Would Quin understand why?

Meanwhile Quin was getting his whole short life story, too. It was surprising him. Just at the moment, Jaxxon didn't mind the invasion. He wanted to get closer. He was comparing himself to the most recent lay of this Jedi, hoping he didn't fall too short...

Quin was looking at him speculatively now, sizing up the big green horny freak. He was not dismissing; that was good. Jaxxon drew in a shaky breath, let the fingertip dig deeper into his throat. Quin was smiling now, doing some mind thing, exploring more of what it was to be Lepi. And if he didn't let up, Jaxxon was going to come all over the inside of his clothes. It felt so goddam good; it had been so long...

He shut his eyes, trying to diminish the sensory overload before he embarrassed himself.

Quin took his finger away. Jaxxon didn't know whether to be glad or not. What the hell did he just do? Should he be afraid? Well, he wasn't, just really turned on. Repeat after me-- Jedi are the good guys, the good guys---

He began to breathe again, unsure when he had stopped. "Don't worry, man, I'm not touching your Aayla."

"You are so easy, Jaxxon-- " Quin sounded like he was trying to make a joke about it. Jaxxon glared.

"I'm not; that's my problem, man."

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I mean, your feelings are so close to the surface. You could use some mental shields. I could teach you, I think."

"What, so I'd be Jedi, too?"

"No, you don't have sufficient connection to the Force. It's just the touch thing. Maybe in Lepi society it's not a liability, but out here in the rest of the galaxy, it could be."

"Tell me about it."

"I am, buddy."

They paid their tab. Neither of them felt like recruiting for the escort service at the moment. The focus was on the two of them, moving together into an uncertain future, hopefully doing the galaxy less harm than good on this intersection of their separate journeys.

Jaxxon was still a bit shaken. This was way realer than his everyday reality had been lately. Plus, he definitely wanted to try shagging a Jedi. And just how to bring that about was evading him.

"Come back to my place, Jaxxon. For lessons."

Holy hutch. He could hardly believe his ears. Was he really getting off on the tease, or did he mean it? He looked again, at that black fleecy hairdo and the yellow stripes under the piercing eyes under the beetling brow, those hands with only the fingers unwrapped for contact...and his cock was suddenly trying to dig a hole through his flight suit.

"It could be fun, you know." Quin hadn't realized he was speechless not from hesitation, but from sheer horniness clogging his throat.

Quin watched the tall young being, so absurdly green and yet so well-formed, nibbling at his cleft upper lip, trying to get words out. Force, he was cute! Who would have thought. To call him intriguing was an understatement. What's more, he had integrity, a surprising solidity of his moral compass.

Jaxxon rasped out some words at last-- "Lead on, man." His reward was the flash of Quin's teeth in the Tatooine shadows.


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