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Jaxxon's Twi'leks 10-- three night vignettes: Kissing, Remind me, Last

Title: Jaxxon's Twi'leks 10-- night vignettes
author : helgaleena
Series: post-TPM
Rating: R
Category: slash, femslash
Warning: interspecies, incest
Disclaimer: Lucas is god of Star wars and owns everything; I am nothing
Summary: the continuing story of Jaxxon and Quinlan Vos. three short comings together in the Tatooine night.

More on Jaxxon at web-strip Jaxxon's 11 at

previous episodes:


They were in the large tub. Meena, Oni, and Niala had gone home, to prepare for the journey. The parting sisters were holding each other tenderly on the sofa, seemingly in another world. They might as well have been alone.

Lenara leaned in closer, inhaling the vapors of the scented water, then fixing her hot amber eyes upon Aayla's, her warm orange lips curving like the petals of an exotic bloom.

"Tell me, little one, when you thought of him, what were you wanting to do with him?"

They were talking about her Master. Aayla blushed a bit, but the evening shadows helped conceal it. Her answer was accompanied by an amused grin at herself.

"I only wanted him to be more loving to me. More than a fatherly arm around my shoulders; he does that much. I wanted him to hold me, and-- and kiss me." Her bright violet eyes grew distant.

"Kiss you? Like this?" Lenara was suddenly a lot closer than Aayla had thought a moment ago. Her lekku shied back against the rim of the tub, but she was pressed tight against Lana, who seemed much closer, too. She sensed no harmful intent from them; she forced herself to relax. The petals of that lush orange blossom were approaching her own lips, and at last brushed them, very softly.

Yes, she thought to herself-- like this. The press upon her lips gently increased, then drew away. Unconsciously her plum colored mouth opened for more air. And Lenara's mouth took advantage of it in the next moment. Her lips were back, and her tongue-- Aayla remembered that coral tongue upon Lenara's pointy teeth so clearly-- now was tasting her gently, gently upon the insides of her lips.

Somehow Lenara's arms and lekku had wrapped around her shoulders. It felt very secure. Aayla felt absolutely gorgeous now. As Lenara drew her mouth away again, to see her expression, she smiled up at her, at this new and wonderful thing. Her very first kiss, her first real kiss.

She turned to tell Lana, she was-- and then Lana was kissing her too! Lana had a different scent and flavor to her mouth, her very lush and peachy mouth. Aayla's mind wrapped itself wonderingly around the contrast.

Lenara did not release her, but continued to hold her, as Lana's thicker tongue licked all around her teeth. It felt as if they must begin to glow in the dark, from all the attention. Hesitantly, she advanced her own tongue from its shelter behind them, wishing to feel Lana's texture with hers. And Lana let their tongues play. They rolled upon each other like two young animals in Aayla's amazed mouth. It was wonderful.

Then Lana's tongue retreated. Aayla's tongue followed after, not wanting to lose its playmate so soon, until she realized it was headed out of her own mouth, into Lana's. Bashfulness came over her again; she put her tongue away.

The two women were smiling at her, their faces so close to hers, the mistress and her apprentice. "So, little one, do you like kissing?"

"Oh, yes," breathed Aayla. She didn't know that her lekku were coiling and uncoiling in arousal, much like Lenara's. She didn't notice Lana's lekku at all. That was probably because Lana's dimpled mouth was nearly upon hers again. And this time Aayla would be bold. She went exploring Lana's mouth.

What she found there would have to wait for another kiss, because just now tides of sensation were bombarding Aayla-- from her lekku! There they had lived, on top of her head her whole life, but now, in Lana's hands-- Aayla started to moan. Lana drew her face away, but did not let go, continuing the gentle massage.

The two women were enjoying her surprise and pleasure. "Have you never done this, Aayla, for yourself?" Lana pressed her breasts against Aayla's, letting their nipples touch as well. Ooh-- so much pleasure!

"No, " Aayla gasped, violet eyes amazed. She was thinking she might have to wear her lekku in sacks after this, this awakening of them.

She abruptly felt an electric pulsing between her legs, quite distracting and insistent. What had they been singing about, for Lila's Blessing, the left and right labia? but this was right in the middle! She began to wiggle against the bottom of the tub, as Lenara's arms continued to hold her steady, her deep orange lekku twining with one of hers deliciously, the other seeking out Lana's paler ones.

"So sweet," she crooned. Lana moved in for another kiss, breast hard against breast. Aayla's mouth was ready. But instead, Lana licked-- her lekku tip!

A mewing cry escaped Aayla, and she began to shudder. Lenara brought one knee between the younger girl's legs, pressing firmly. That place instantly became the center of Aayla. With more small cries, she began to convulse in waves of a sweet release that amazed her greatly. Her soft blue face went all purple-rosy, and she hid it against Lenara's shoulder. Her hips bumped again and again upon the saddle of Lenara's knee. Lenara continued to cuddle her close. Nearby, Lana leaned against them, watching greedily and stroking herself silently. Her mistress saw her lips start to tremble, as her turquoise eyes fell shut and she gasped out her own quiet pleasure.

When at last the tide of bliss abated, Aayla looked up at them in wonder. Lenara was smiling at her in great satisfaction; she placed a soft kiss upon her smooth blue forehead.

"Welcome to the world of women, little one. Lana, she will want to sleep now. Show her where."

The two younger ones emerged from the tub, dripping dry in the warm Tatooine evening. The creamy peach curves of Lana swayed as she led the way for the trimmer blue girl, who stumbled a little with fatigue. It was often like that after a first time. Perhaps Lana would hold her as she fell asleep, perhaps not.

Lenara's hand slipped between her own legs in the still, warm water. That had been fun. It would be enjoyable to journey through the stars with yet another pupil, of sorts. But for the moment, she rather wished she hadn't sent Jaxxon home so early.

Never mind. Tomorrow, on his ship, he would be at her mercy.


Remind Me

"You see, Rabbit's Foot really does have all the comforts."

He and Quin were on the padded bench in the common area, trying to get the vid screen to yield any interesting bits out of the official news on the Hutt Network, such as it was , being only official news. Quin had on a smug smile, that surely had nothing to do with the Hutts at all. He looked like he did when he was talking to Aayla privately. Okay, then, the apprentice must be behaving herself.

Let's see; he'd showed off the med unit, readied individual berths for eight guests, gone through the media library and the cargo area and the recycler and the nav units and the cockpit-- they'd tasted the recycled water, had a little jerky... oh Hutch, he'd forgotten about Kiara. Their actual passenger. Bib's doxy.

Quin saw him frown. "What is it, partner?"

"I forgot to do a concubine berth. Be right back."

It didn't take long. A stop by the environmental controls to pressurize a ninth bit of Foot's total area, then ask Foot what else she needed. "Have you got pregnant Twi'lek physiology files, Foot?"

"Med library has them, boss. After cross-reference, I am increasing berth elasticity twenty percent for extra cushioning."

" I guess that's everything, then. Be prepared for cargo, fuel, and life-support inputs in the morning. You can stand down for the night, Foot. Oh, by the way, what did you think of Kim?"

"Very funny, boss. Constructs do not have opinions. Good night."

Jaxxon chuckled to himself. Even though he'd programmed it himself, the "very funny, boss" sub-routine never got old. He'd always be a wit to somebody.

Back in the common area, Quin-- dammit, he had to think of him as Kim, Kim Kiffar!-- had his feet up on the table. He was halfway through one of those bubble-wines from their farewell party at Lenara's and didn't look like he wanted to move.

Jaxxon sat next to him and put his big feet up as well. He had his boots off, here at home, giving his green toes some air. People had told him it looked as if he were still wearing big fur shoes, when they saw. Well, shoes couldn't wiggle their toe claws like that, or that--

"Hey, Kim, you didn't tell me what happened with Lila-- why she isn't coming along with her sister, and isn't killing herself, and all. "

"That's right; you slept through the good parts. Hmmm. Well--" The spymaster blinked, considering. It looked as if he really didn't want to be bothered to talk about it. Then, knitting his dark brows, he shifted his glass to the other hand, and clasped hands with Jaxxon.

Their mutual psychometric talents kicked in. Jaxxon found himself seeing the Sister Blessing ceremony from earlier this evening, curtained by familiar dark locks on either side, but with the boring, waiting-for-action parts edited out. The bundle under the bedsheet in the middle of the circle finally poked her head out. This must have been when Quin had noticed him dozing. It was Lila all right, only painted bright red from head to toe.

The women in the circle took turns dressing her and singing to her, obviously making her feel beautiful and whole. Hutch! It was like she was a whole new being! Then, when Leni fed her and she went into orgasm, it was the icing on the cake. He wouldn't have minded having this new Lila around, if she could act positive like that.

Then came the spooky part, after they spun her dizzy and she spotted the scourge. No, he definitely didn't regret Lila's decision to stay behind, if she was going to be taking her out her rage in the course of her chosen profession.

Then, when she and Rena hugged and smeared the red around, and everybody joined in, Quin-- no, Kim!-- let the memory fade. They shared a moment of companionable gratitude for beings' ability to love one another all better. They didn't drop hands.

Jaxxon found himself thinking about his Twi'leks, his lady friends, and the trust they were placing in him. But like many another thing in life, this journey would be a gamble. Without the Jedi, he wouldn't have been able to offer them this way off Tatooine. Kriff, he wouldn't have even thought of the whole scheme; Kim had come up with it. All he'd done was to try to get some non-Hutt support for his dreams of making it big in his home system. Another gamble.

But in his short career, he'd only been gambling with his own life. Now there were six lovely ladies hitching their carts to his. He looked over at the Kiffar, big eyes showing his worry.

"Hey partner, we're in this together. And Force knows, you mean to do them nothing but good." The humanoid put his glass down and took him by the shoulders, looking him directly in the eyes.

Man, he was handsome. Jaxxon waxed a bit phenomenological. He wondered if this stare was what they meant by the Force. He could just go with this flow--
he gulped, and blinked, and licked his muzzle. Another blink, then he murmured, "We're the good guys, right?"

Quin threw one leg over his lap, and sat on him. It felt good. "Yeah, we're the good guys. No doubt about it." His heavy expression warmed into a grin.

"And I'm a Lepi getting back with other Lepi, not a freak?"

"You are a perfectly normal Lepi, who responds like a Lepi." Quin was licking his muzzle, er, lips now. And his mind was messing with his mind again, and that felt good too. He could feel those Lepi parts stirring.

"Remind me," he said, and snagged his claws into that black mop, to pull that face to him. He tasted wine and Kiffar and Kiffar memories of green velvet fur under a Kiffar tongue. It was very good. Especially when a real Kiffar tongue started in on real green velvet fur.

Quin skinned him out of his suit like a big green banana out of its peeling. Jaxxon briefly resented being the only one naked, but then he was too busy coming. Quin knew what to do with his head, and he'd done it. The wise-ass. The Kiffar clean-up was just as good. Jaxxon got his belt and pants undone while he was distracted by that job.

They were both standing up now. Jaxxon hooked his toes over Quin's boots, then bent down and got Quin under the arms. Quin looked up, come on his chin, from under those brows. Yum. That red mouth-- "Kiss me, man, " he said, and lifted.
The Kiffar's boots and pants were left behind. Those monkey legs wrapped around his waist while he tasted the new mix-- wine, Kiffar, and Lepi come.

He got one big hand under the Kiffar butt and squeezed. Maybe the writhe he got out of him was what dug that shaft into his belly fur, and that was what got him writhing too. Or maybe it was those Kiffar teeth, trying to tear off his lower lip again. Anyway, he was gasping and trembling so hard, and there was come all over the table, and he had to sit down.

He sat, and Kim sat on his hand, and then yelled out really loudly, and let go of his lip and slid down to collarbone level upon his own come. Gooey but good. He had his sensitive fingertips dug into Jaxxon's shoulders for traction. As his head spun, Jaxxon felt that stubble, rubbing back and forth in his chest fur. He held the man close, so he wouldn't stop. The pheromones probably wouldn't let him stop for a while yet, anyway. Yum.

Quin finally slid up him again, to kneel, plastered against him, head on his shoulder. At last, he raised his face, and those fingertips stroked the velvet cheek.

"Are you going to remember now?"



"I will miss you, Rena."

More tears were falling down her violet sister's face, now mercifully free of runny eye paint. "I'm glad you'll miss me. I was afraid you wouldn't."

Lila knew what she meant. Before this night, she had shuffled through the world, hanging onto her sister, half alive. Part of her had been dead to the world for so long. She had done so many things because they didn't matter, because she didn't matter. Rena had mattered, because Rena kept her alive, but even she had mattered only a little.

"I'm sorry about before. But now I will truly miss you, sister." And she kissed her. Kissed the beautiful dimply lips that had showered so many unrequited kisses upon her in the past. Twined lekku with the small violet lekku that had wrapped her unresponsive ones with tenderness, so many times since she was a baby. Her lekku felt so much now. They used to be one of the dead parts.

"Lovely, lovely Rena," she heard herself saying, and kissing away the tears.

"Oh, Lila," sighed her sister, snuggling closer. A pause.

"Lila? Remember that thing I used to ask of you?-- when I needed to feel better?"

"I remember." Lila's hand crept up between her sister's thighs. Funny, she had a sudden desire for the same sensation, just curious how it would be... "Could you do it to me as well?"

Rena giggled and slipped her hand down the brown belly and into her sister's shorts. For Rena it was a reassuring familiarity. For Lila it was totally new. The violet hand's tickling and tweaking and stroking drew surprised exclamations and gasps from her, and more giggles from Rena.

They held one another close, mirroring one another's reactions, until at last both were at peace. Their old, old ritual, of survival against all odds, was re-enacted this one last night, before they parted for new lives. Lila put her wet brown fingers into Rena's mouth. And for the first and last time, she sucked upon violet fingers, equally moist. So this is what I taste like. Not so bad.

And for the last time, sister gave breast to sister. Rena fondly clasped the brown head to her pillowy bosoms and Lila sucked to her heart's content. She hadn't done so in many years. She hadn't even bothered to wonder if Rena missed it. Now it was one more thing for her to miss about Rena. Maybe numbness had been safer, but the tears in her eyes now were a fair price for this pleasure. She paid with her tears, as she would make those who had hurt her pay.

That was something to look forward to. Her new life as Lady Lila of the Scourge.

Rena was writhing now, becoming excited in a way she had not when Lila was younger. Lila put her hand down to play with Rena's sex again, and clamped a violet thigh firmly between her own, taking control of her own arousal. It occurred to her to bite a little, to push her sister's level of sensation that much nearer to pain. She glanced around--luckily the others had all gone to their beds. So she bit.

Rena screamed. And came, in waves onto Lila's hand.

Lila felt drunk with her own power. And very alive. One arm held her sister, as she drifted off to sleep. The other quietly played with herself. Her new tool. Bruised but whole. She would make it last.


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