Title: The Moonlight Side Author: Lyssa Rating: NC-17 Category: Drama, Slash, Angst Summary: Rogue Jedi, Quinlan Vos, encounters an old friend while on a mission for Count Dooku. Disclaimer: Star Wars, like American Grafitti 2 and many flannel shirts, belongs to George Lucas. I make no credits. Author's Note: Takes place during the Star Wars: Republic comic series, after issue #54, before "Jedi: Dooku". If you have no idea who Quin is, please take a look at the link below and join in the drool fest. Aside from Quinlan's hotness, I highly recommend the series, especially the issues drawn by Jan Duursema. http://www.rebelscum.com/comics/SWrepublic77.jpg<http://www.rebelscum.com/comics/SWrepublic77.jpg > Special thanks to Jedi Rita and Silver Alaska, two of my very favorite people in the whole galaxy. I could not have finished this story without them. *********************** "The Quarren have betrayed us and intend to reveal the locati...